Nomination for the ordinary member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 14 January, 2020

21st Polish Conference on Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, PCBBE, Zielona Góra Poland, 26-27 September, 2019

25th anniversary of the foundation of the Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS) journal

International Conference on System Analysis: Modeling and Control
Jekaterynburg, Russia, 3-8 October, 2016

International Conference on Mathematical Techniques in Engineering Applications , ICMTEA
Dehradun, Indie, April 29-30, 2016

Podpisanie umowy o współpracy
Shanghai Normal University, Chiny 2011

7th Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis ACD 2009,
Zielona Góra, Poland, 19-20 November 2009

CODATA Conference Kiev
Kiev, Ukraine, 5-8 X 2008

Finish of position - departy rector
29 august 2008

IFAC World Congress
Seoul, Korea, 6-11 july, 2008

Corsica, Ajaccio, 25-27 june 2008

LTN, General Meeting
15 apirl 2008

Visit at the University of Applied Sciences, Weingarten
Weingarten, Germany, 1 april 2008

France, 8-15 march 2008

Rectors Conference of Polish Universities of Technology
Zielona Góra, 24-26 January 2008

Nomination to corresponding member of the
Polish Academy of Sciences
Warsaw, 22 January 2008

5th Deputy Rectors Conference for Science and Development
Zielona Góra, 13-14 December 2007

Conference on "Diagnostics of Processes and Systems" DPS
Słubice, Sept. 2007

Visiting Professor at the University of Hong Kong
China, 5-10 September 2006

Visit at the Guilin University of Electronic Technology
China, 2-5 September 2006

Meeting with guests from the Guilin University of Electronic
Technology, China
Zielona Góra, 10 December 2005

Dinner with members of the Organizing Committee,
IFAC Symposium SAFEPROCESS 2006, Beijing
China, Beijing, 6-9 May, 2004; Tsinghua University

Meeting with rector: prof. Y. Tan
China, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, 2-6 May, 2004

10th Anniversary (1992-2002) of Institute, ISSI
Zielona Góra, 17-18 October 2002

"XIV Polish Control Conference, KKA"
Zielona Góra, June 2002

Conference on "Diagnostics of Industrial Processes, DPP"
Łagów, September 2001

"European Control Conference, ECC"
Porto, Portugal, June 2001

World IFAC Congress
Beijing, China, July 1999

From ISSI and AMCS life, 2002-2003

From University life, 2001
